Antique Pottery » 19th Century » Maritime
Showing items 1-19 of 19 found
A Frigate in Full Sail
American Eagle Great Seal of the United States Jug
Ball's Pottery Maritime Bowl
Dawsons Sunderland Creamware Jug
Dixon & Co Sunderland Creamware Jug
Large Multi Transfer Jug- Garrison
Maling - William IV in Full Sail
Maritime Jug - Garrison
May Peace & Plenty
Moore's La Bretagne - 140 Guns
Moore's Sunderland Jug
Moore's The Mariners Compass.
Peace & Plenty Rare Blue Corners
Rare Frog Mug - Seaham
Recruiting - American Ship Jug
Scott Maritime Jug
Scott's -Orange Lustre Ship Set
Scott's- Jug
Tyneside - Large Jug
Showing items 1-19 of 19 found